Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Time for those who care for the country!

Since couple of decades, we've been unlucky having illiterate and non-eligible people as our guardian, its like giving the custody of the fresh meat, or milk to a cat.

Just see for yourself, many things which had happened in the span of 2 years time, which aftermath could be reduced and our identity would not had been so humiliated. Like making this war on terror our own war, even previously owned government, no matter how bad they were but they didn't own that this is our war, they used to wobble too that this is the war which we're fighting for the US and the whole world. But this government is so duncked that its accepting each and every blame by anyone on own.

Take example of attitude of India towards Pakistan, after-all whatever happened on 26/11 and the blame-game , we're still planning to allow India to have passage way to the Middle East via Pakistan, are our politicians nuts? I am not saying we should not start the peace process but it should be evenly poised not like one party takes all the goods.

Ok lets not talk about international relations and politics, talk about the internal politics. They are acting just like those parents who've only one child and they oblige each and every wish which he/she desires. Similarly, they are capturing the places in Karachi by calling their own people from the interior areas and let them be settling on illegal and captured areas, by building Mosques and Imam Bargha's and by showing false evidence of leasing papers and etc.

Lots more to say but time and space both limited.

Peace out!

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